Friday, March 16, 2012


This Blog was created to make known somehow of the mexican food, considering that mexican food is one of the most emblematic of the whole world, whitout understimate the other international gastronomies.

I'm a gourmet amateur that try of to experiment with all kind of food that I find out, from simple street's tacos to an exotic italian Carpaccio, even when a gourmet strictly always will try to assure that a saucer is correctly elaborated, in my case I'm going to centre me in delight the traditional mexican food of some States of  The Mexican Republic, including the foreing food prepared to the mexican way. Subsequently in the course of the days I'm going to add new entries in this page too,  where I'll show some visits to mexican distinguished  restaurants, whether nationals or internationals franchises, specifically in Mexico City, I hope this blog be of your interest and don't forget check out the other tabs, also have information that I've added, without leaving the main topic.